Branded with the tagline "It takes a village", Mindful Moments strives to be the motivational positivity that families battling Alzheimer's long for. The brand remains intentional throughout the entire design, including the meaning behind the mark -

Similar to the mark, the Mindful Moments app also takes the entire family into account. This dual-entry app has a "patient side" and a "family side", each with a different set of research-based features.

This dual-entry app has a "patient side" and a "family side", each with a different set of research-based features.
Mindful Moments offers unique features that vary based on which user is logged in. However, the interface and visual system remains consistent and easy-to-use throughout the platform.

Pictured above is the landing screen / dashboard for the patient side of Mindful Moments. Here, the Alzheimer's effected individual is able to input their mood multiple times a day, scroll through a feed of loving messages and images from their loved ones, and view a list of family members.

This clickable list (shown above) reminds the user about their loved ones' lives. While that refresh won't last forever, it grounds the patient in that moment.
On this side of the app, all of the family members and caretakers are able to remain on the same page when it comes to the progression of the diagnosis, while also positively interacting with the patient from a distance - something that many families in this situation struggle with.

Pictured above is the landing screen / dashboard for the family side of Mindful Moments. First, the user can see the patient's upcoming appointment, along with a button to view the full calendar. Then the user can see the most recent mood the patient tracked, along with a button to access mood history, trends, and a Mindful Moments analysis that aims to assist day-to-day caretaking. Lastly, the user can see the last message sent to the patient's feed, along with having the ability to create a new post. Those other screens and features that stem from the dashboard are shown below.

Once an event is posted, all family members with a login can view that appointment and will be notified of any changes, notes, files, or test results that are added to that event. This allows for a seamless family-wide update after difficult appointments. Now, the primary caretaker can simply update an event, rather than informing each close loved one after important medical appointments involving the progression of the disease.
Below is a notification example that a user could receive from Mindful Moments. Family members get notifications about appointment updates and the mood tracking feature, while the patient receives notifications about new posts on their feed.

brand application

Above is a digital billboard displayed outside of a medical facility. This was created to both draw in users and push forward the brand's voice & tone.

Mindful Moments aims to aid families both digitally and physically. Above are tangible Mindful Moments products including the following: A deck of cards for family bonding, a notebook and pen for note taking at medical appointments, identification keychains for the patient's belongings (keys, bag, jacket, etc.).
Project video
The video above both explains the Mindful Moments app and introduces the brand's language and identity. The intentions of this video are similar to those of a commercial.
Alzheimer's disease is a difficult diagnosis to process and manage. Mindful Moments strives to lighten the load of caretaking so families have the peace of mind to focus on being together and create more positive memories.